America's First
The shorthorn breed originated in England and was first developed in the valley of the Tees River around 1600. Shorthorn cattle were first imported to America in 1783 and were then known as Durhams. American settlers appreciated them for the meat and milk characteristics as well as hardiness and strength in pulling wagons and plows. The breed quickly spread across the Midwest and into the West. In 1846 the America Shorthorn Association (ASA) was founded, making the ASA one of the oldest breed organizations in existence.
(Early American settlers using Shorthorn cattle)
We choose to raise polled Shorthorn cattle for their adaptability, mothering & reproductive performance, gentle disposition, and meat quality. Not to mention their beauty in producing calves of many colors: red, white, red & white, red with white marks, and roan! The quality of their meat is hard to compare, with excellent marbling, tenderness, and overall flavor. Our shorthorn cattle have easy going dispositions which are a must since we have small children and rotationally graze them.
Our cattle are registered with the ASA; we have both purebred and Shorthorn plus animals. If you are interested in cows, heifers, or bulls please message us!